Join our cause and sign our petition to have the 'Holodomor' officially added to the dictionary.
Millions of people died during the Holodomor in Ukraine, yet so many Canadians have never heard of it. Why? People were terrorized into silence about the famine. The Soviet Union covered it up for over 50 years and Russia to this day continues to deny the Holodomor as genocide.
The events of 1932-1933 in Ukraine are rarely taught in Canadians schools. In fact, there is no entry for the word ‘Holodomor’ in major English dictionaries.
We believe it would be a significant step in increasing public awareness of the Holodomor to have the word ‘Holodomor’ in dictionaries, including Merriam-Webster, Oxford, and
Include the word ‘Holodomor’ in the dictionary
The word Holodomor literally translated from Ukrainian means “death by hunger”, or “killing by hunger, killing by starvation”. Sometimes the expression is translated into English as “murder by hunger or starvation”.
We’re looking to get the support of 25,000 people towards our goal. Please sign our petition and help us spread the word.
Sign now at Change.orgWe will be providing regular updates on the progress of the petition on Facebook and Twitter . Please follow us and stay up to date on the work of the Holodomor National Awareness Tour.
Thank you for supporting the Holodomor National Awareness Tour's mission in Canada.
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